
Friday, 30 October 2015

When Prime Minister slid down a magazine cover

It was the year 2001, in the 2nd mandate of the Portuguese Prime Minister António Guterres.

This year in February, May and July, the magazine VISÃO published three Guterres images, to illustrate its articles, which represent a stark reminder of the critical political moments of his government, which culminated in the resignation of the Prime Minister in December of that year.

The series of photos, then, is one of the best and creative political comment I have ever seen made by the mass media.

In the pictured of February 2001, Guterres is photographed at the top of the São Bento Palace staircase, the entire width of the central page, and the purpose of the article is creasing his plans for crisis control.

How? The photo was taken from the bottom up, with the Prime Minister in a decided pose, arms crossed, with the caption "What I'm going to do"!

February 2001

However, in May 2001, things were not going well to Guterres, and the cover of VISÃO illustrates, clearly, the disorientation of the Prime Minister face the crisis.

How? Guterres is photographed in an undecided pose, foot on the air, hands face up, head tilted and quizzical facial expression, with the caption "Now what do I do?"

May 2001

Finally, in July 2001, things were even worse, and the magazine cover illustrates the foreseeable drowning of the government.

How? Guterres is photographed with only half of his head, placed at the bottom of the cover, as if to slip, and with  the caption "Guterres hit ground?"

July 2001

Later this year, compared to the disaster of the Socialist Party in municipal elections, Guterres calls for the resignation of his government.

He left Portugal, then went to the UN, and it seems that he refuses to return ... ever again.

That must have hurt ... just slide down the magazine cover ...

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Let the children use the technologies .... with common sense!

Following the previous post, this one is about COMMON SENSE.

The technologies are not good or bad, depends, rather, the use that is made of them. Unfortunately, they only bring operating instructions and do not provide instructions on how to behave with them.

A simplistic example. A knife is good or bad? It depends. If it is to kill someone, it's bad. But to defend us from attack, it is good. And if in an operation? It's good. And if the doctor belongs to an organ trafficking network? It's bad ... and so on.

All this to say that the use of technology by children (and adults too, for that matter) have to obey a code of conduct to be defined as problems occur. It is the typical case of "only know later ...".

It is the time it takes to set the new code of conduct that tends to exasperate the most nostalgic, skeptics and pessimists. What an horror the phone ringing at cinema! Yes, but before it rings a few times, nobody thought it could happen! What an horror kids staying hours and hours at computer! Yes, but before it happened, who guessed?

I think that these matters must prevail common sense. But this "common sense" must result from the integration between what was important in the past, what is important in the present, and what we think will be the future.

One of the best examples of this is the construction of downtown Lisbon made by the Marquis of Pombal after the earthquake of 1755. He rebuilt the city for the future, considering the needs of the present then, and respecting its past. Of course, at the time, everybody disputed the exaggerated width of the downtown streets, but he replied "One day you will find them narrow". It was confirmed.

Nothing worse than to take decisions only on the basis of Past, who has since died. For example, in Portugal, a ban on the opening of hypermarkets on Sunday. Or just based on the present, that will disappear. For example, the construction of 10 football stadiums for Euro 2004. Or just based on the future, which is guesswork. For example, the construction of the huge network of motorways, which was confirmed to be maladjusted to traffic.

And now a video that shows the commentator Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa reading a mobile phone SMS right in the program of TVI! Hum ... is it fashionable?

Finally, a provocative question. The TV, mobile phone or computer put away the members of a family, or the family is already tucked away and technologies are only a symptom / getaway?

Oh...this question must have hurt ...

Let the children use technologies...also!

Try to keep children away from television, mobile phones and computers is not only absolutely inglorious, as will isolate them from the group of colleagues and friends. You drive them away from their present and, worse, their future.

But to manage this situation, there are two words -  ALSO and COMMON SENSE.

This post is about the ALSO.

A newspaper clipping, which can not find in my files (dispaiiiir!!!), reported one special news. In 1904, at United States, a doctor said that to ride a motor bike at 10km/h was dangerous! This was because, at this breakneck speed, the person opened his mouth, was filled with air and burst ... !!!

And what was said when the film came! dark room, a bright screen...people would be blind! Or photography, that steal the soul of the photographed ...

Just to laugh, watch this little movie that shows Charlot and the fear of man in relation to the machine.


This is the "normal" attitude of the human being facing the technological novelty, whatever it may be. Distrust, fear, dark future ...

And that's why, every day, there are news, studies and reports about awful things that can happen to anyone who uses the television, mobile phone, microwave, Facebook and who knows what else! Even our prestigious Portuguese sociologist Antonio Barreto wrote against the mobile phone in the 90s. Seriously?

The truth is that new technologies are not only inevitable, now and in the future, but also stimulate our brain completely differently from the "old days".

And without dwell too much on this evidence, I refer you to one great book, 2005, Steven Johnson, "EVERYTHING BAD IS GOOD  FOR YOU - How video games, TV and Internet are ultimately making us smarter ". Here you will find the challenge of thinking ahead.

BUT ...
if the kids have to know how to use the technologies sooner the better, as with learning a second language (the sooner, the more impregnated in their "skin") also have to know that the water does not born in the taps and the chicken is not that thing with its legs open at supermarket shelves ...

That is, the child with his unrivaled potential has to be developed and stimulated in all directions without radicalism or nostalgia.

The photo below put alternatively, Technology and Nature.

But this is a false choice. The Technology is not opposed to Nature. It is not "Technology or Nature". It really is "Technology and also Nature."

In the field of Civilization and Culture, there are many other examples of false choices. We have to be vigilant.´

In the next post, I will discuss the COMMON SENSE accompanying this ALSO. And I will be even more boring ...

When the "cultural tradition" justifies the crime

It is common today to call "cultural tradition" of a group, a people or a religion to justify acts that collide with contemporary values ​​in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Here are some examples of acts that have been historically accepted in other eras, and being intolerable today, still remain protected by this idea of ​​"cultural tradition".

Female genital mutilation

Still widely practiced in sub-Saharan Africa, female genital mutilation is now countered by offend all women's rights.

Child marriage

Still widely practiced in Africa and Asia, child marriage is now considered pedophilia, and fought for offending once again, the right of women.

Domestic violence

"Between husband and wife no goals to reap" it was said, until some years ago in Portugal. Today is a public crime that includes domestic violence on children, the elderly, women and men, but their complaint further clashes with the "cultural tradition".

Pakistani Ailee Kohi worked
more than 20 years as a slave.

Still practiced around the world, including Portugal, slavery of men, women and children is tackled today for offending human rights.

Violence against animals

Bullfighting, hunting dolphins, seals and whales, or the industry of precious skins, are examples of how violence against animals can be particularly shocking to contemporary eyes, especially with regard to the "show business". For too "artistic" or economically interesting they are.

But it's a matter of time before all disappear ... And this depends on the strength of public opinion.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Parents and children. Copy and paste.

Well, the children imitate everything adults do. Indeed, it is the first way to learn.

It begins in the family and continues, over time, other "socializing agencies" - the neighborhood group, school, TV, the Internet, and so on ...~

Ah, family ... is the place where everything happens. Father and mother, a father or a mother, two fathers or two mothers, educators in the asylum, whatever, are crucial in the transmission of patterns of thought and behavior. Even without aware of it. Even when they judge not. Even when they want to teach A and, after all, teach B.

The child sees, hears, feels and does the same. Those adults are his life, his model, his example. They are his Instruction Manual.

And what does he  see? The words they use. The gestures they make. Their actions.

How parents love each other, how to get angry, how to behave when separated. How to love their children, how to get angry with them, how they treat them in a separation. How they view working life. How they view school life. How they behave in public space. In traffic, in rows of shops, before the figures of authority, in relation to an insult or aggression, face to foreigners, given the weaker...How to behave in the political space.

That is why it is so challenging to observe a family. There is there a common model, speak the same way, smiling likewise, have similar body positions, moving the same way. Impressive.

Thus, children will repeat throughout life, what they have learned here. The chosen wife or husband will have hints of their father or their mother. And teach their children what they heard, saw and felt.

Sometimes in adolescence and adulthood, they may try to separate themselves from these models. But in a crisis, there will out what was impregnated in their skin.

Finale. We're screwed!

A strong video. To be always present.

Varoufakis, the announced rejection.

At 27/04/2015, Varoufakis was away from negotiations with the Eurogroup. However, this "rejection" was already announced from the outset.


In fact, on January 30, 2015, the first press conference given by Varoufakis and the President of the Eurogroup, the unpronounceable name of Dutch Jeroen Dijsselbloem, went wrong for the Greek.

Varoufakis, already at the very end of his speech, he decided to say that Greece would not negotiate further with the Troika. The Dutch, darn, he terminated the conference, whispered the Greek something evil and left him behind, advancing quickly toward the exit.

The video conference, which I took the sound leaves no doubt.

Full video (1:08)

For further analysis, I left this video in two parts and put them in slow motion, allowing highlight several significant moments.

In Part 1, it is noted:

1 The Dutch frown when he hears Varoufakis talk about Troika, especially when he does sign that he is listening to the translation;
2 The reluctance to shake the hand that Varoufakis held out twice and the "you pull me - I pull you" arm in a fight between the two;
3 The rueful smile in Varoufalis face, when hearing the evil thing that the Dutch have told him.

Part 1 (1:07)

In Part 2, it should be noted:

1 The hurried and tense departure from the Dutch, leaving the Greek completely alone and back;
2 The abandoned and aback Greek, clinging to the back of the chair and then with both hands in his pockets.

Part 2 (01:11)

It must have hurt...

I read somewhere that the Dutch have said the Greek "you just kill the Troika". Hum ... I'll pretend to believe ... it must have been a lot worse...

Guide the future of your the children? Forget it !

Can we predict the Future? Hum ...I doubt it.

Thirty years ago, the film Back to the Future II tried to imagine what life would be like today. guessed a lot of stuff, less the most important, the one that revolutionized our world - the Internet and the new technologies of information and communication.

In 1971, in the era of Marcelo Caetano, SEDES drew four scenarios for the political Future of Portugal and awarded them degrees of probability. The scenario classified as less likely happened, the Revolution of April 1974.

Unintentionally depress you, you must forget the idea of imagine and build the Future. The Future is the place of uncertainty, where all the predictions fail, where all plans skid.

I will not talk about how failed the prospects for good jobs of thousands of our young graduates. Or the lost savings of old men at Bank BES. Or the great PT, now dying. Or the confident Portugal suffering the crisis of 2008 and comes to bankruptcy. Or the large Volkswagen as a fraud. Nor Tony Blair apologizing for Iraq's error. Or emerging countries whose economies seemed dazzling, but after all, are very fragile ... not the ... or the ...

So the Future is ... I HAVE NO IDEA!

But if the Future is uncertain, the present is here, close at hand. And it can be built, centimeter by centimeter, minute by minute, event to event.

Okay, okay. So let’s build the present, the TODAY.

Looking to yourselves and to your children, what do you see?

Have you access to available information, know it, integrate it? Do you know to look for unknown information? And do you seek it? In short, are you multi-informed, in various dimensions?

Do you face new situations without anxiety? And easily adapt to them? Do you seek new experiences, and have a broad spectrum of experiences and interests? Do you easily face a change of plans, getting the best out of the new situation? In short, do you have behavioral flexibility?

Finally, and the brain, how does it works? Always looking for new perspectives, other points of view, other solutions to the problems? The thought is unlocked, open to "rock the world"? In short, do you have creativity?

Okay, not worth despair. The multi-information, behavioral flexibility and creativity are features that can be acquired, learned, just get out a little more of the burrow ... shake off the cobwebs and review some assumptions.

And why these three characteristics are important in Today, and what they have to do with the Future?

Easy. It's the difference between playing golf and surfing. In golf, you strike a quiet ball, in a doubtful anatomical position. Boring ... In surf, you manage the uncertainty of the wave. Challenging and fun.

Thus, an ignorant, quiet and locked Today is a waste of capacities. In turn, an informed, dynamic and intelligent Today is the necessary condition for every individual's potential to develop as he deserves.

Similarly, an ignorant, quiet and locked Today cannot manage uncertainty, query and surprise inherent in the Future. In turn, an informed, dynamic and intelligent Today is better positioned to manage whatever comes.

A video to inspire. About the child and the adolescent that are in us, and about our incredible ability to learn.

So, do not kill the child and the adolescent that are in each of us. And do it every day, do not leave for the Future. This is the assurance that the world will continue to improve.